Design Review (Bridge Construction Machines)
Dr. Rosignoli has reviewed the design of 4 movable scaffolding systems (MSS), a self-launching gantry for macro-segmental construction, a self-launching gantry for span-by-span erection of precast segmental bridges, and 2 motorized carriers with self-launching underbridge for on-deck delivery and placement of precast spans. He has also reviewed the design of advancing shoring systems, the falsework of two prestressed concrete (PC) arches, the launch systems and strand-jacking equipment for two incrementally launched steel U-girders, and a self-launching forming carriage for in-place segmental casting of the deck slab of a steel-composite bridge.
- Pizzarotti (2006). Porcaria and Gornalunga Bridges for the Catania-Siracusa Highway, Italy. Independent design review and certification for production of a 150m, 1230t twin-truss overhead self-launching gantry for span-by-span erection of precast segmental bridges. As contractor’s consultant, Dr. Rosignoli’s duties included 3D structural modeling of the entire machine, placement analysis of design-governing deck segments, self-launch analysis including staged traversing on curvilinear trajectories, buckling analysis in multiple load and support configurations, and demand & capacity analysis of members and connections. He also supervised load testing of the gantry upon site commissioning.
- Pizzarotti (2006). Agnone 1 Bridge for the Catania-Siracusa Highway, Italy. Independent design review and certification for production of an 88m, 780t underslung MSS for span-by-span casting of 41m half-span segments of a varying-depth bridge with 82m span. As contractor’s consultant, Dr. Rosignoli performed 3D structural modeling and analysis of the entire machine and demand & capacity analysis of members and connections, and supervised load testing of the MSS upon site commissioning.
- Pizzarotti (2005). Simeto and Mulinello Bridges for the Catania-Siracusa Highway, Italy. Independent design review and certification for production of a 165m, 1290t twin-truss overhead self-launching gantry for span-by-span erection of two adjacent macro-segmental PC bridges comprising four 730t segments in every 95m span. As contractor’s consultant, Dr. Rosignoli’s duties included 3D structural modeling of the entire machine (self-launching trusses, winch-trolleys and support portals), placement analysis of pier-cap and midspan segments in rectilinear and curved spans, self-launch analysis including staged traversing on curvilinear trajectories, buckling analysis in multiple load and support configurations, and demand & capacity analysis of members and connections. He also supervised load testing of the gantry upon site commissioning.
- Modena scarl (2004). Modena Bridges, TAV High Speed Railway, Modena, Italy. Independent design review and certification for production of a 105m, 900t twin-girder overhead MSS for span-by-span casting of 58m spans. As contractor’s consultant, Dr. Rosignoli performed 3D structural modeling and analysis of the entire machine and demand & capacity analysis of members and connections, and supervised load testing of the MSS upon site commissioning.
- Pizzarotti (2001). Modena Bridges, TAV High Speed Railway, Modena, Italy. This challenging project includes the prefabrication, transportation and placement of 755 single-track high-speed-railway U-spans in 30 months, for a total bridge length of 24.8km. The 33m, 740t spans were transported on the completed bridge with two 60m wheeled carriers and positioned with two 78m self-launching underbridges. As contractor’s consultant, Dr. Rosignoli’s duties included full independent design review and certification for production of wheeled carriers and underbridges, along with supervision of their load testing upon site commissioning.
- Pizzarotti (2001). Modena Bridges, TAV High Speed Railway, Modena, Italy. Independent design review and certification for production of a 113m, 1500t twin-truss overhead MSS for span-by-span casting of 58m spans. As contractor’s consultant, Dr. Rosignoli’s duties included 3D structural modeling and analysis of the entire machine (self-launching trusses, tower-crossbeam assemblies and suspended casting cell), self-launch analysis, demand & capacity analysis of members and connections, and site assistance during site commissioning and load testing of the MSS.
- Bonatti-Kirchner JV (1995-1997). Schrotetal Bridge, Madgeburg, Germany. This project includes two adjacent 500m steel-composite bridges built by incrementally launching two U-girders from the left abutment and two U-girders from the right abutment, and by strand-jacking two varying-depth transition spans into position for central closure. The concrete slab was cast segmentally with a 23m forming carriage. As contractor’s project manager, Dr. Rosignoli led the independent design review of the launch systems (segment welding supports, articulated launch bearings, trussed launch nose, thrust systems), the strand-jacking equipment for the closure spans, and the 190t self-launching forming carriage for in-place segmental casting of the deck slab.
- Cogefar (1987-1990). Reconstruction Project, Lot C, Napoli, Italy. This project includes 800m of PC bridges cast span-by-span on advancing shoring and 1.8km of PC bridges cast span-by-span with a 110m, 900t single-girder overhead MSS designed for weekly cycles of 47m spans with full-span cage prefabrication behind the abutment. As contractor’s site manager, Dr. Rosignoli led the independent design review of the MSS; its assembly on an existing bridge; its side commissioning, load testing and production; and the design review of multiple falsework systems for span-by-span in-place casting.
- Cogefar (1987-1990). Reconstruction Project, Lot E, Naples, Italy. This project includes 1.9km of steel-composite bridges erected with ground cranes, a 420m steel-composite bridge built by incremental launching on 110m spans, 500m of PC bridges cast span-by-span on advancing shoring, and 600m of PC bridges cast span-by-span with the MSS of the adjacent Lot C. As contractor’s site manager, Dr. Rosignoli led the independent design review of multiple falsework systems for span-by-span advancing shoring.
- Cogefar (1985-1987). Lot C of State Road 36, Dervio, Italy. This project includes two PC arches cast on 40m-tall falsework (more than 30.000m of steel tubes and 25.000 joints) to protect bridges and tunnel inlets from falling boulders. As contractor’s site manager, Dr. Rosignoli led the independent design review of the tubular falsework.
- Cogefar (1982-1987). State Road 36, Lecco, Italy. The first bridge construction project of Dr. Rosignoli includes 1.4km of multi-span PC bridges cast on advancing shoring on 40m spans. As contractor’s site manager, Dr. Rosignoli led the independent design review of multiple falsework systems for span-by-span advancing shoring, including two custom-design multi-span railway crossings.