The eManuals Project
547 pages & 4 spreadsheets
Regular price
$ 744.00
This collection includes all the eManuals and design and estimation spreadsheets currently available within the Bridge Engineering eManuals Project.
Whether you want to excel as a bridge designer, foster innovation and training within your agency or firm, win bridge projects and construct them safely and cost-effectively, or boost your own career and stand out from the team, this collection will provide you with a unique wealth of knowledge, learning and insights of modern bridge design and construction technology.
Offered with 20% discount on the cover price of the individual eManuals, the collection is a convenient, economical way for bridge owners, designers and constructors to setup an Intranet-shared library on new and emerging bridge technology and modern construction methods. The collection also addresses the program innovation needs of universities and professional societies that offer courses of bridge engineering.
The collection includes 15 eManuals, three design spreadsheets and one cost estimation spreadsheet:
- Balanced Cantilever Construction of Precast Segmental Bridges (81 pages)
- Control of Construction Stresses in Launched Bridges (23 pages & design spreadsheet)
- Construction Cost of Precast Segmental Bridges (134 pages & estimation spreadsheet)
- Erection of Precast Beam Bridges with Twin-Truss Launchers (20 pages)
- Full-Span Precasting of High-Speed Railway Bridges (17 pages)
- Geometric Design of Launched Bridges (11 pages)
- Introduction to Mechanized Bridge Construction (44 pages)
- Launch Bearing Misalignment in Launched Bridges (11 pages & design spreadsheet)
- Movable Scaffolding Systems (MSS): Introduction (41 pages)
- Prestressed Composite Bridges with Steel Corrugated-Plate Webs (32 pages & design spreadsheet)
- Short-Line Match Casting of Precast Segmental Bridges (42 pages)
- Span-by-Span Erection of Precast Segmental Bridges: Introduction (19 pages)
- Span-by-Span Erection of Precast Segmental Bridges: Twin-Girder Overhead Self-Launching Gantries (31 pages)
- Span-by-Span Erection of Precast Segmental Bridges: Single-Girder Overhead Self-Launching Gantries (21 pages)
- Span-by-Span Erection of Precast Segmental Bridges: Underslung Self-Launching Gantries (21 pages)
The Newsletter of the Bridge Engineering eManuals Project will keep you posted on the availability of new eManuals to keep your collection updated.