As a freelance micro-consultancy specializing in structural forensics, we investigate failure. Bridges, bridge construction machines, and their interactions. We analyze design and construction flaws, identify and assess standards of care, deliver expert advice and testimony, and educate non-technical parties on bridge design and construction.
And we do offer knowledge and learning to the bridge community. Dr. Rosignoli’s bridge engineering books are published worldwide by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Civil Engineers (London, UK), Thomas Telford and the UNESCO, and his e-books, courses, and bridge engineering forum are followed by tens of thousands of bridge professionals.

Unique Credentials
Decades of experience in the design, design review, construction, and forensic engineering of complex bridges and bridge construction machines. Unique professional stature within the bridge community. Extreme familiarity with software programs for structural analysis and failure simulation, and long-term familiarity with working with legal counsels.

Investigating Failure
We investigate failure. Bridges, bridge construction machines, and their interactions. We analyze design, construction, and operation flaws. We determine causes, identify remediation methods, assure proper remediation, educate legal counsels and arbitrators, and provide advice, testimony, or both.
Solid Modeling
Investigating cracking and loco-regional distress may require 3D numerical models and isoparametric finite-elements.
Analyzing varying-geometry mechanical systems (tower cranes, self-launching gantries, movable scaffolding systems) may require thousands of finite-elements, nodal eccentricities, and frictional articulations.
Staged construction, time-dependent stress redistribution, corrosion-induced section loss and local buckling may affect stability of equilibrium and fatigue life.
Cable-supported bridges and bridge construction machines are prone to P-delta effects, vibrations and aeroelasticity.
Dr. Rosignoli's published research ranges from aggressivity functions for resonance analysis of high-speed railway bridges to the use of stabilized plastic buckling for seismic dissipation.
Unique Expertise
Our familiarity with long-span bridges, wind-tunnel testing and aeroelasticity? Seven cable-supported bridges in North America, 7 in Europe, 1 in Asia, 1 in Central America, and 1 in Africa.

Dr. Rosignoli’s books are published worldwide. Launched Bridges (1998, ASCE Press), Bridge Launching (2002, Thomas Telford) and its 2nd edition (2014, ICE Publishing), and the bestseller Bridge Construction Equipment (2013, ICE Publishing) are international references, cited in dozens of publications and bridge design standards. Chapter 6.37.40 Bridge Erection Machines in the UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (2013, UNESCO) is also available worldwide.
Dr. Rosignoli’s bridge engineering eManuals can be downloaded from this website (PDF version) or Amazon (Kindle version). Just in the last two years, bridge professionals have downloaded eManuals from well over 50 countries.

The courses of modern bridge design and construction technology that Dr. Rosignoli teaches for the American Society of Civil Engineers and face-to-face in the offices of bridge owners, designers and constructors deliver state-of-the-art knowledge and learning for bridge professionals.
Enjoy our rich collection of free publications, discussions, and commentaries.